Saturday, August 2, 2008

| This is what I signed up for... |

I got to hang out with my new staff partner, Jackie today. She seems really cool. I think we're different, so that will be a great thing to work with next year. We didn't really talk a whole lot about "work" stuff, cause she just wanted to have some pure hangout/get to know each other time. I'm looking forward to getting to work with her, but I'm having some reservations about next year in general...

I've wanted to work with Intervarsity for about 4 years now. It has really been what I've aspired to. As I sit on the cusp of being able to start work with them, it is just hitting me how real this all is. I'm gonna have to be fundraising all the time. That's gonna be crazy! My mom told me that when I first told her that this is what I wanted to do, but I am just thinking about the reality of that.

Today, I think that got cemented, even though I just got back from an intern staff trek. I was in Sacramento, and I saw my boss, and he told me that he had something for me. I was presented with a large box, which was quite heavy when I think about it. It was full of envelopes and letterhead, and thank you cards.

It's really going to happen. This is the first step to my new future.

Today I got a taste of that. Next week is the area prayer retreat, and I hear from then on, my summer is over.

I'm out...


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